Monday, October 26, 2009
BOO! Happy Halloween!
Below are 5 tips to a Healthier Halloween:
1. Give your child a nutritious meal before he goes trick-or-treating. This will fill him up and make it less likely that he'll be eating the candy before he even gets home.
2. Let your child indulge a bit. Not allowing your child to eat her Halloween candy will just drive her to want it more. Although a low-fat diet is important for children, allowing the occasional indulgence, especially on a fun-oriented holiday like Halloween, is also important.
3. Set limits on how much candy can be eaten at once. When your child returns home from trick-or-treating, ask her to pick the 10 pieces of candy that she wants to keep. Take the rest away and use them as substitutes for lunch treats or desserts.
4. Have your child brush and floss his teeth thoroughly before going to bed. Although this should be done every night, it's especially important that your child's teeth be free of the Halloween sugar.
5. Donate your leftover candy to charity. Not only will this prevent your child from continuing to eat candy for months to come, it will help teach her the value of helping others.
Be sure to share some of your favorite Halloween ideas or stories with us.
Check out Ritzy Baby's BOOTIQUE sale on all Ritzy Baby infant and toddler car seat covers now through October 31st! HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Use Coupon code BOOTIQUE at checkout for 20% off all Ritzy Baby infant and toddler car seat covers and blankets now through October 31st!!
***excludes all sale items and custom orders***
Monday, October 19, 2009
Uh Oh, where does the baby go?!
We just returned from a six day trip to New Mexico. While it was GREAT to go see the grandparents and Balloon Fiesta the 8 ½ hour drive each way was not.
It was only after we had the car loaded, and by loaded I mean: stroller, pack n play, 3 suitcases, and several tote bags full of toys just to name a few things…oh yes, and both dogs, there wasn’t anyway to put “Little Miss” into her car seat. You see we had packed things on both sides of her seat, in front of her seat and all along the floor board. Hmmm, we spent that whole day taking her in and out of the car from the front seat, not an easy task I might add.
I have listed below an article on traveling with baby, either air or road travel. But, the best advice given to me and what I have learned as well is: pack trash bags (in case of motion sickness), do not give any dairy products on day of travel (in case of motion sickness; learned this the hard way), and a portable DVD player is a great and worthwhile investment! Enjoy the article:
High-Flying Advice
1. Travel off-peak. This varies with the route and the season, so ask the airline which flights to your destination fill most slowly. You'll have a better choice of seats, and the plane is less likely to be packed. Avoid flights with long layovers or late-night connections.
2. Reserve seats when you book. Though final seating assignments aren't guaranteed until check-in, prebooking ups the odds of getting your preference. (Keep in mind that a car seat can be installed only in a seat next to a window.) On your departure date, be sure to arrive early enough to ensure that you get your choice. Remember that the coveted front-row seats with attachments for bassinets are assigned first to families with younger babies, so your chances of snagging these are slim. Also, many airlines such as United save the best seats for business travelers and frequent fliers.
3. Bring your child's car seat. "Unrestrained children have been seriously hurt during air turbulence," says Federal Aviation Administration spokesperson Kathryn Creedy. As a result, the FAA recommends that children under 2 be buckled into a car seat while flying. Although a child that age who has a seat of her own (as opposed to being held on your lap) pays 50 percent of an adult fare on major U.S. airlines, the extra cost is well worth it.
4. Preboard the seat, not the baby. Although airlines no longer officially preboard families, most will do it on request. However, preboarding adds an extra 30 to 45 minutes of being cooped up with a 1-year-old. Have the person you're traveling with claim the seat and stow the bags, then wait until the last moment to board with your child.
5. Check your stroller at the gate before boarding. That way, the crew will have it waiting for you when you get off the plane.
6. Adjust your toddler's nap schedule so he will sleep on the plane. This means knowing your child's patterns: Some kids will sleep if they've skipped their naps; others will remain awake (and cranky) from overtiredness. Though some parents give their kids antihistamine syrup before a flight to promote sleepiness, resist the urge. It's never a good idea to give any kind of medicine to a healthy child.
7. Dress your child in easily removable layers. Airports and planes can be hot one moment, freezing the next.
8. Be on the alert for ear pain. If your child has recently had an ear infection or a cold, get your doctor's approval before flying. The change in cabin air pressure may cause pain, but swallowing or sucking on a bottle or Sippy cup usually solves the problem. Offer a drink at the first sign of discomfort.
9. Keep drinks close at hand. Flying is even more dehydrating for children than it is for adults, so make sure they get plenty of fluids.
10. Change diapers in the rear. Wide-body and newer planes have large fold-down changing tables in the lavatories, but U.S. airlines still fly many older planes that do not. In that case, ask a flight attendant if you can use adjoining empty seats in the back of the plane as a changing area.
On the Road Again
1. Time it right. Toddler car travel presents fewer challenges than flying. But that doesn't mean your child won't get cranky, overtired, or carsick. To make a road trip go as smoothly as possible, start out close to your child's regular naptime so she'll sleep for part of the journey.
2. Entertain your child. Even the most independent toddler cannot amuse himself for hours. Consider sitting beside him if another adult is driving.
3. Limit driving time to six hours a day. In addition, make stops at safe, well-populated rest areas every two hours so you and your child can recharge.
4. Protect your child from the sun. Apply a sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher, and keep back windows shaded.
Please feel free to leave a comment about some of your favorite travel tips.
Also, check out our new custom section for your Infant and Toddler covers. The fabrics are incredible and how fun is it to create your OWN look! Order now, we are getting busy!!!!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
It really got me to thinking, what IS the best way to handle a situation like that? I found an article that I like and have pasted the link below, enjoy:
After you read it, come back and let me know your opinions. Has this ever happened to you? How did you handle it?
I hope everyone is enjoying the blogs, in addition to the Blog Hop, we will be doing a give away here within the next couple of weeks. So be sure to check back every Tuesday and Friday for new posts!
Also, PLEASE be sure to check out our NEW and AMAZING toddler seat covers!! Easy on and easy off…at such great prices you need two!!
Thank you to all our Ritzy Fans.
Monday, October 5, 2009
My SEO Gal's Blog Hop
We are excited to announce that we are participating in My SEO Gal's first Blog Hop!
To honor the first Blog Hop, Ritzy Baby will be giving away one of fabulous infant car seat covers
You can enter to win our Vintage Bowtique Infant Car Seat Cover:

1. Leave a comment below.
2.. Mention this giveaway at any of these locations along with a link back to this blog and receive an extra entry:
Blogs, Your Blog, Twitter, Facebook, Digg, Blog about it, or refer a friend.
If you choose the refer a friend. Make sure your friend mentions your name in the comment box so you can get credit.
3. Winners will be chosen three days after the end of the hop which will be October 21,2009.
We will announce the winner here.
4. After you enter and leave a comment, Please visit the other blogs listed below and enter more contest to increase your chances of winning other prizes or simply leave a comment on bloggers post who are participating in the hop and let them know that you are stopping by during the blog hop. It would be nice if you became a member or follow their blog for free while your stopping by:
That's it!!! Good Luck
Friday, October 2, 2009
Putting Your Best "Baby" Forward
I know, I know, its supposed to be “Put your best FOOT forward” but with me I have always said that my child is my BEST accessory. Who cares if I haven’t washed my hair in two days or my clothes are wrinkled and don’t match, my daughter looks precious and that’s all that counts right?
Well, I went out to run errands the other evening without my best accessory and I had nothing to distract from the fact that my hair was a mess, I didn’t have any makeup on, and my shirt didn’t match my pants. And by pants I mean the black gauchos my husband threatened to burn because I wore them all during and after pregnancy. I try and sneak them into my weekly wardrobe and pretend I don’t see him cringe when he sees them.
Below are some Fall Must Haves for the busy mom:
Denim Everyone has heard the term Mom Jeans. Its an ugly term so, invest in a good pair of jeans, such as something long and dark, that flatter the body can greatly improve a wardrobe.
Layer Moms know that layers are not only fashionable, they are practical. After hauling a baby carrier and a crying toddler into the grocery store, most moms feel like they have completed a hard work-out at the gym. Dressing in layers allows the mom to remove excess clothing in such frantic times. Tossing on a long cardigan over a fitted t-shirt is a great way for a mother to layer and look fashionable in the process.
Double-duty bag Many moms find it burdensome to carry around a diaper bag and a purse. They often forgo their cute bag for the practical diaper bag. This does not have to be the case. Find a cute purse that can also hold the necessary baby supplies and can spice up your look instantly.
Little Black Dress For decades, fashion mavens have been discussing the importance of owning a good little black dress that can transition effortlessly from daytime to nighttime. There are many choices of little black dresses that will work for moms, whether she is attending story time at the library or cooking dinner for her brood. The key is finding a fabric that moves easily and has a child-friendly neckline and hemline.
Accessories A chunky beaded necklace or an armful of bangle bracelets can do wonders for a basic t-shirt and jeans combination. Not only do accessories perk up an outfit and help draw attention away from tired Mommy eyes, they also serve double-duty as an emergency form of entertainment for little ones.
Shoes Moms need shoes that are comfortable, able to withstand the assault of a playground's woodchips and stylish. The non-athletic tennis shoe is a perfect choice for moms because it offers the comfort of a tennis shoe in a subtle style that can be paired nicely with jeans and a cute top. Ballet flats are another option that help keep moms on their toes in a functional yet trendy way.
Save those faded yoga pants for the gym and throw something cute on this fall. Doing so will most likely improve one's mood, especially when catching a glimpse of those fabulous clothes in a mirror.
So Ritzy Baby moms, tell us what is your favorite mommy wardrobe staple that is functional yet makes you feel fabulous?