Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Family Traditions
I had all these big plans for this year, since Little Miss is now 19 months old. We managed to get a table top tree up. I had visions of her scaling our 6 foot tree we have and it toppling over. Instead, we spend all day with her climbing up the chair and onto the table, to point and grab ornaments. By the end of the day I am so over that tree!
But back to traditions, when I was a child I remember we always had a nice family dinner, after my sister and I each got to open one present before we went to midnight mass in our new Christmas dresses! I want to start traditions with my daughter but will obviously have to be satisfied with the few things we have done thus far and try to add new things each year as she gets older.
What are some Holiday Traditions that you grew up with and have since incorporated into your current family?
At Ritzy Baby we wish all of you a Very Merry Christmas and please enjoy this time with your family!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Well, I had Little Miss all decked out for her picture with Santa. She was in her cute holiday outfit and giant head bow- I know they are obnoxious but when worn for photo ops it doesn’t count!
I was apparently in denial as to how this “Santa Photo Shoot” was going to go down. Not two weeks prior we had gone for her 18 month portrait and it was a disaster to say the least! My little social butterfly was suddenly shy, uncooperative and downright rude!
How in the world was I going to make her understand that sitting with a large, bearded stranger, dressed in red velvet was going to be OK? The reindeer gods were smiling upon us that day because when we got to Santa’s workshop he was out for lunch! Super mom to the rescue, I grabbed my camera (I was a Girl Scout, always prepared) and with the help of a few girlfriends, a.k.a. wranglers, we plopped Little Miss right down in Santa’s seat and began snapping away. We danced, we clapped, we did what was needed to get a smile and caused quite the scene. But, the winning Christmas card picture was so worth the humiliation.
So, now I have the cards printed and sitting on my coffee table, along with my address book, pen, and stamps. All I have to do is address them and get them mailed, yet I have been staring at them for about 3 hours now-just sitting there! I hope to have them mailed out before the New Year!
Ok, Ritzy Baby fans I want to hear your favorite Santa/Holiday stories…make us laugh!
Get your shopping done online! Be sure to visit www.ritzybaby.com and go crazy.