Hello to all! So, it has been a few days since I blogged but I am hoping to hop right back into where we were-here we go!
We were talking about budgets, manufacturing etc (what a fun place to pick back up...) So far with Ritzy these areas seem to be the most challenging for me personally. Manufacturing is tough and everything seems to revolve around it. It is also something that you cannot personally do your self. Many things that take place I can fix, but manufacturing takes much more than just me to fix. I don't know about you, but I know that I would much rather fix things myself than to try to explain it to someone else. (I know....I know....you are thinking I am a control freak....I am sure that is another blog subject....so let's just skip getting into that right now) Bottom line.... no matter how much you may want to fix things yourself....manufacturing isn't that simple.
It takes a long time to make everything perfect, just like you want it and just like your customers expect it. Then, you get it perfect and as with everything else there is change! So, you regroup and start over. Starting over is not always fun, but sometimes it cannot be helped. There will always be change in our lives so if we can continue to learn and grow with each process it is a fun journey, but just be prepared for constant change!
One thing I can say is I truly LOVE what I do. I know that with every bump in the road I have came back even stronger than before. It is my amazing customers that have made Ritzy Baby what it is today. Thank you to all for growing with Ritzy and allowing me to continue my awesome journey! Thanksgiving is coming soon and I have so much to be thankful for. Until next time....
xoxo, Bridgette
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Owning your own business.....
So many of my customers and friends are always asking about my business venture so I thought I would share some things with my readers. I get the question "What made you start your business?" a lot. So, why not blog about it so I can share the story with those that are interested.
First, I would just like to warn you that I am not always the most positive person to ask about starting your own business. I can truly say that this little leap of faith I took 5 years ago has been the hardest thing that I have ever done in my life. Don't get me wrong...I would never go back and change anything. I am a firm believer that each mistake I made a long the way was a learning lesson...a "what not to do next time" type lesson. :0) We all have those lessons in life, but I had (still have) a lot of bumps in the road with this venture.
I love creating new things, I love making pretty, sophisticated things and finding great prints for boys. I love coming up with ideas that just make sense for mom and baby. That is the FUN part! The part that makes you feel good about what you are doing and the part that KEEPS you going. It is the amazing emails from customers that give you good goosebumps, that make everything worth the bumpy ride. I cannot tell you how many times I have had emails from customers that absolutely made my day or week! BUT....unfortunately there is business involved...that "icky" word that creeps up when you are trying to come up with new innovative fun designs. That word that my husband has to remind me of when I am over-budget...(which I am all too good at from what I am told) UGH---this is the part that is no fun. Don't get me wrong, I know we all have to make a living and the reason for starting a company is to make it successful, right? However, the reporting and the budgets and the manufacturing...... oh the manufacturing.... This part is the worst, it is for the birds!!!! HA! I said it! It feels good....but then it is time to get real again... I cannot say it is for the birds...this is my business. This is what I do, it has to be successful... Right? Stay tuned for more....
xoxo, Bridgette
First, I would just like to warn you that I am not always the most positive person to ask about starting your own business. I can truly say that this little leap of faith I took 5 years ago has been the hardest thing that I have ever done in my life. Don't get me wrong...I would never go back and change anything. I am a firm believer that each mistake I made a long the way was a learning lesson...a "what not to do next time" type lesson. :0) We all have those lessons in life, but I had (still have) a lot of bumps in the road with this venture.
I love creating new things, I love making pretty, sophisticated things and finding great prints for boys. I love coming up with ideas that just make sense for mom and baby. That is the FUN part! The part that makes you feel good about what you are doing and the part that KEEPS you going. It is the amazing emails from customers that give you good goosebumps, that make everything worth the bumpy ride. I cannot tell you how many times I have had emails from customers that absolutely made my day or week! BUT....unfortunately there is business involved...that "icky" word that creeps up when you are trying to come up with new innovative fun designs. That word that my husband has to remind me of when I am over-budget...(which I am all too good at from what I am told) UGH---this is the part that is no fun. Don't get me wrong, I know we all have to make a living and the reason for starting a company is to make it successful, right? However, the reporting and the budgets and the manufacturing...... oh the manufacturing.... This part is the worst, it is for the birds!!!! HA! I said it! It feels good....but then it is time to get real again... I cannot say it is for the birds...this is my business. This is what I do, it has to be successful... Right? Stay tuned for more....
xoxo, Bridgette
Friday, November 12, 2010
Finally....moved in & open!
Okay, so I had no idea how little time I had....and I do admit I have totally slacked on my blog posts. Forgive me? I hope so. Well, Ritzy Baby is OFFICIALLY fully moved into our new showroom. Okay, Okay we have been in this new space for about 5 months but you have no idea how big of a job it was to get completely settled in. Ritzy was in one location for almost 5 years so this was a huge move for us. We are still trying to find a place for all of the beautiful fabrics, but for the most part...we are in. So, if you are a local customer please come and visit us in Edmond, OK!!! We are currently gearing up for a little mimosa get together on black Friday! Not only will we have yummy mimosas we will have some great deals on some RITZY! So please shout out to us on facebook or tweet us on twitter and let us know if we will see you on black Friday!!!!! Talk to you again soon!
I will take some pictures of the new showroom to share....until then!
xoxo, Bridgette
I will take some pictures of the new showroom to share....until then!
xoxo, Bridgette
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
It's my turn.....
Hello to all Ritzy Baby readers and those that may just stumble across our blog by accident. First, I would like to introduce myself to the blog. My name is Bridgette and I am the owner of Ritzy Baby. After a lot of thought and even a little inspiration by one of my personal favorites from the New Jersey Housewives, Jacqueline Laurita I have decided to take over the Ritzy Baby blog. For some reason I have yet to blog about my own life and experiences with Ritzy Baby and now I feel it is time. It’s my turn to put myself out there… No worries, if you decide to hit the little x in the top right corner of your screen…I will never know. For those of you that choose not to hit the little x in the top right, thank you! I hope to share some fun stories, pictures, projects, ritzy sales, giveaways and just my crazy life as a mom and entrepreneur with you. I know my DH is probably thinking I am crazy about right now because I have very little free time as it is, but just like everything else….it will work itself out and I will find the time.
Where should we start? I am feeling like a giveaway….something to get the readers involved, and Ritzy Baby seriously needs some facebook love! If you happen to read the NJ Housewives blog that I posted above, you will see where the precious Jacqueline Laurita mentioned Ritzy Baby has GREAT blankets for her son Nicholas. (no, I didn’t pay her to say that…as if I could afford that in the first place!) Let’s do a beautiful Ritzy Baby blanket giveaway. We have a gorgeous selection of new fabrics and the winner can choose the style of a full size blanket (30x36-Value-$64.00) that they love the most! Let’s just do a fun, simple 5 day contest and giveaway some Ritzy!
Your name will be entered based on the number of points that you earn. Each point is worth one entry. You may earn points by doing any of the following activities.
1. Post about this contest or about Ritzy Baby in your facebook status.
2. Tweet about this contest or about Ritzy Baby in your Twitter status.
3. Comment on this blog post-at the bottom of this post.
1. Blog about this contest and or Ritzy Baby
2. Become a fan of Ritzy Baby on facebook and comment.
*Note-you may repeat the above tasks but it will not increase the number of points that you earn. Afterwards, email us at sales@ritzybaby.com and include your name and your total number of entries in the subject heading. In the body of your email, type a list of everything you completed including the verifiable links. We will check all the links, so make sure they work!
No purchase is necessary to win. Please do not contact us to make sure that we received your information. Shipping charges will be included in the total. Product that totals more than the prize value of $64.00 will be paid for by the winner. You must be at least 18 years old to enter. This contest is void in Puerto Rico, and where prohibited by law. It is solely your responsibility to ensure that contests like this one are not prohibited by the laws in your area. Contest subject to all applicable federal, state, and local law regulations. Actual prize awards will be sent only when you prove your eligibility with an affidavit. If you win, and live outside the US, you are responsible for all shipping costs incurred in sending your prize including all taxes, customs, brokerage, or any other related fees. Ritzy Baby is not responsible for delays in receiving your prize caused by Customs clearance, or anything else that is beyond our control. Photos that are offensive, vulgar or attack any individual or company will be automatically disqualified. By participating, entrants agree to these official rules and accept decisions of Ritzy Baby Inc as final. This promotion is offered in the United States only and shall only be construed and evaluated according to United States law. By participating, you agree that Ritzy Baby and its employees will have no liability for any injury, loss, or damages of any kind to persons, including death, and property, due in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, from the acceptance, possession, use, or misuse of a prize or participation in this contest. By entering, you agree that Ritzy Baby, and those acting under its authority, may use your name, likeness as an entry for advertising and promotional purposes in any media without limitation and without further consideration, unless prohibited by law. By entering, you agree that Ritzy Baby shall have all rights to copy, broadcast, publish, and use your photos, in whole or in part without further compensation, both during and after the contest, unless prohibited by law.
Unclaimed prize (after seven days) will be forfeited and awarded to an alternate winner. Prize is not transferrable or redeemable for cash.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
abc convention
every day is one day closer to the abc convention in viva las vegas. the ritzy baby company has previously attended three abc conventions. i am feeling very eager because this will be my first one to work at. we have a lot of preparation to do such as getting signage together, making sure all of our products are stocked, and much more! i have no doubt that we will be able to get everything together come time of the show.
the awesome thing about being apart of the abc kids expo convention is that it is the BEST OF THE BEST of baby shows. furniture, strollers, bedding, decor, wall art, and car seats GALORE! we are going to be located on the first floor, booth 2427, in the baby gear section. be sure to come check us out!
we are having our ritzy baby photo shoot this saturday. i cannot wait to post pictures so you all can see our new products and fabrics. you will just love them!
i hope you all are having a wonderful week! be sure to check us out on facebook and twitter.
roiya xoxo
the awesome thing about being apart of the abc kids expo convention is that it is the BEST OF THE BEST of baby shows. furniture, strollers, bedding, decor, wall art, and car seats GALORE! we are going to be located on the first floor, booth 2427, in the baby gear section. be sure to come check us out!
we are having our ritzy baby photo shoot this saturday. i cannot wait to post pictures so you all can see our new products and fabrics. you will just love them!
i hope you all are having a wonderful week! be sure to check us out on facebook and twitter.
roiya xoxo
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
mmm baby bibs
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
it's all coming together
i have been out of town the past week in north carolina with family. i had a wonderful time but i have been very eager to get back to our ritzy baby design studio. before i left, we had complete bare walls. now we have immaculate baby curtains, nursing tables, and adorable baby bedding. i cannot wait until it is completely done and ready to show off. our ultimate goal is to have our design studio stocked from head to toe with beautiful baby products. we will get there soon. for now, here is a sneak peak of our ritzy baby signage on our outside window.
we will be having a ritzy baby photo shoot in the next couple of weeks. we are looking for trendy moms, dads, and children (ages 2 and under) in the oklahoma city metro area for our shoot. the awesome perk is.. any product you are shot in, you get to keep! if you are interested, email roiya@ritzybaby.com.
NEW PRODUCTS!! i am so excited to announce that we are coming out with baby girl and boy bibs! i can honestly say this is one of my favorite products we have. they are polyester minkys and oh so cute. i will be posting them tomorrow.
i hope you all are having a wonderful tuesday!
don't forget to check out our website.
roiya xoxo
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
new journey with ritzy baby
new journey? why yes.
i am going to start off by introducing myself. my name is roiya, offically known as miss bloggeress for the ritzy baby company. to give a little background: i am 22 years of age, a graduate of the university of oklahoma, and an extreme girly girl. my passions consist of people, fashion, animals, and food. i am a very black and white person -- what you see is what you get. if i love something, i absolutely love it. if i don't, you will know. what i can say so far, i love ritzy baby.
i did not know what to expect coming into this company. it is only day 3, but so far i can without a doubt say that this company is GROWING. bridgette (creator of ritzy baby) started about 5 years ago. since then, she has carried herself to the #1 and #2 spot on google for infant/toddler car seats. little miss bridge is one busy woman. so busy that she needed to hire an assistant to help her out, that is where i come in. i am in charge of all her pr and soon to come, i will be helping her out with her new design studio. we are planning to have the design studio open on september 1. i could not be more thrilled. nothing is more stimulating to me than playing with pretty fabrics all day. our warehouse is located in the back of our studio, and sometimes i find myself walking back there to just graze all the pulchritudinous cloth.
for some exciting news..bridgette, her husband, and myself will be heading off to viva las vegas in october for the abc kids expo convention! the main focus of the show is on products, predominantly in the areas of furniture, bedding, room decor, baby gear, gift and layette, maternity, toys and related accessories. this is only 2 months away, which means i need to get my butt in gear and start learning the roots of our products. i know bridge and i will be able to do it. i have no doubt.
here is a picture of our new PREdesign studio. it is definitely still in the works, but once everything comes together..it is going to look lovely.
i am going to start off by introducing myself. my name is roiya, offically known as miss bloggeress for the ritzy baby company. to give a little background: i am 22 years of age, a graduate of the university of oklahoma, and an extreme girly girl. my passions consist of people, fashion, animals, and food. i am a very black and white person -- what you see is what you get. if i love something, i absolutely love it. if i don't, you will know. what i can say so far, i love ritzy baby.
i did not know what to expect coming into this company. it is only day 3, but so far i can without a doubt say that this company is GROWING. bridgette (creator of ritzy baby) started about 5 years ago. since then, she has carried herself to the #1 and #2 spot on google for infant/toddler car seats. little miss bridge is one busy woman. so busy that she needed to hire an assistant to help her out, that is where i come in. i am in charge of all her pr and soon to come, i will be helping her out with her new design studio. we are planning to have the design studio open on september 1. i could not be more thrilled. nothing is more stimulating to me than playing with pretty fabrics all day. our warehouse is located in the back of our studio, and sometimes i find myself walking back there to just graze all the pulchritudinous cloth.
for some exciting news..bridgette, her husband, and myself will be heading off to viva las vegas in october for the abc kids expo convention! the main focus of the show is on products, predominantly in the areas of furniture, bedding, room decor, baby gear, gift and layette, maternity, toys and related accessories. this is only 2 months away, which means i need to get my butt in gear and start learning the roots of our products. i know bridge and i will be able to do it. i have no doubt.
here is a picture of our new PREdesign studio. it is definitely still in the works, but once everything comes together..it is going to look lovely.
***follow us on facebook and twitter*** we are offering weekly promo codes and giveaways. this week's promo code is "newjourney" -- all of our lovely customer's will recieve 10% off of your final purchase. this ends on august 11, so don't miss out! tell all of your friends!
currently listening to hallelujuh -jeff buckley
roiya xoxo
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
“Ummm....I didn’t order this boring brown high chair”

I have two, that’s right people TWO, shopping cart/high chair covers that I use for Little Miss. Two because I can always have one clean and in my car in case one needs to be washed. I cant tell you what happened this particular night…..full moon, stars weren’t in alignment I don’t know…what I DO KNOW is that we ended up at a crowded restaurant on a Friday night and NO high chair cover in tow.
I don’t know who was more confused and disoriented, me or Little Miss…she was placed into a “naked” restaurant high chair as I frantically looked around for a cover to magically appear and maintain my calmness as best I could….all I was thinking about was, “all the germs, who sat here before her, were they sick, did they wipe this chair down, etc etc etc”
As Little Miss tried to non chalantly look around, she is way more discreet then I, and observe that she was sitting in a chair like all the other children around her, not in her yummy, fluffy, CLEAN high chair cover that protects her from the filth of what’s left behind on those chairs, I tried to calmly wipe down all sides of her chair with wipes.
Now, I am wondering if I should just have all the restaurants we frequent keep one there just for our use when we do come in, would that be asking too much??
My germ phobia aside Ritzy Baby has some new and fabulous shopping cart/high chair covers coming out just in time for Spring/Summer!!! Just like new clothing lines we at Ritzy Baby LOVE to update our fabrics and styles. These new styles include ruffles along the bottom, toy holders, pockets and a place to hold your sippy cup (or in my case, maybe antibacterial wipes).
Be sure to go to http://www.ritzybaby.com/ and check them out….we have already presold a lot of them, so get one OR two (always have a backup) while they are hot!! Also be sure to go to http://www.ritzybabyonline.com/ and shop all the other wonderful infant, children’s and mommy products we have.
Thank you to all our Ritzy Baby customers.
I don’t know who was more confused and disoriented, me or Little Miss…she was placed into a “naked” restaurant high chair as I frantically looked around for a cover to magically appear and maintain my calmness as best I could….all I was thinking about was, “all the germs, who sat here before her, were they sick, did they wipe this chair down, etc etc etc”
As Little Miss tried to non chalantly look around, she is way more discreet then I, and observe that she was sitting in a chair like all the other children around her, not in her yummy, fluffy, CLEAN high chair cover that protects her from the filth of what’s left behind on those chairs, I tried to calmly wipe down all sides of her chair with wipes.
Now, I am wondering if I should just have all the restaurants we frequent keep one there just for our use when we do come in, would that be asking too much??
My germ phobia aside Ritzy Baby has some new and fabulous shopping cart/high chair covers coming out just in time for Spring/Summer!!! Just like new clothing lines we at Ritzy Baby LOVE to update our fabrics and styles. These new styles include ruffles along the bottom, toy holders, pockets and a place to hold your sippy cup (or in my case, maybe antibacterial wipes).
Be sure to go to http://www.ritzybaby.com/ and check them out….we have already presold a lot of them, so get one OR two (always have a backup) while they are hot!! Also be sure to go to http://www.ritzybabyonline.com/ and shop all the other wonderful infant, children’s and mommy products we have.
Thank you to all our Ritzy Baby customers.
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